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Client Overview

Treeworld Wholesale

Wholesaler of trees, shrubs, and palms

Native, aromatic, and floral trees, shrubs, and palms

Basic SEO strategies

Low website traffic, poor conversion rates, and weak keyword rankings


Treeworld Wholesale is a key player in South Florida’s landscaping and wholesale plant industry, offering over 300 species of native and exotic trees, shrubs, and palms. They specialize in providing high-quality, sustainable plant solutions for large-scale landscaping projects, including residential, commercial, and municipal landscapes. Their extensive product range includes sought-after species such as Ficus benghalensis, Spanish Stopper Shrub, and Stemmadenia litoralis.
Recognizing the need for an enhanced digital strategy and the best SEO services providers, Treeworld Wholesale partnered with The Scale Agency to address these issues and boost their visibility in a competitive marketplace.

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Challenges Faced

Although Treeworld Wholesale had a comprehensive selection of products, there were several issues that hampered their online visibility and digital growth:

  • Their website traffic was insufficient to meet growth objectives.
  • Key search terms, such as Best Caribbean tree FL and Ficus Benghalensis, were not ranking on the first page of search results.
  • Although the site had some traffic, converting visitors into customers was a major hurdle.

Solutions Implemented 

The team of specialists from The Scale Agency prepared a blueprint of SEO full-service strategies to manage each of the challenges discussed. We deployed a multi-faceted SEO approach that targeted each of Treeworld Wholesale’s pain points with the perfect strategy and plan of action. The solutions implemented included:

  • A targeted SEO strategy focusing on high-priority keywords like Stemmadenia litoralis, Dypsis cabadae, and Guiacum offincinale. This strategy helped to increase website visibility by optimizing on-page content, metadata, and product descriptions.
  • High-value keywords, including Calophyllum brasiliensis and Bursera simaruba (Red Trunk-Belize), were integrated into content to ensure first-page rankings.
  • Continuous tracking and analysis allowed for ongoing optimization, ensuring the campaigns remained effective and efficient.

Results Achieved 


Total Clicks (1/1/23 – 1/31/23)

Up From 5.53K In The Previous Period (3/1/22 – 3/31/22).


Total Impressions (1/1/23 – 1/31/23)

Up From 817K In The Previous Period (3/1/22 – 3/31/22).


Average CTR

Increased From 0.7% Compared To The Previous Period.


Average Position

Improved From 9.3 In The Previous Year.

Before Partnering With
The Scale Agency

Limited visibility in search results for target keywords

Organic traffic and conversions were below target

Struggled to compete in a saturated market

After Partnering With
The Scale Agency

Specific keyword phrases like Spanish stopper shrub ranked on the 1st page

Organic traffic increased by 373%

Overall website traffic improved by 202%

The journey of Ready Golf with The Scale Agency highlights the significant impact that a well-crafted marketing strategy can have in the competitive e-commerce arena. By focusing on comprehensive analysis, targeted keyword optimization, listing refinement, and continuous improvement, Ready Golf didn’t just hit the mark; in fact, they smashed it! So, if you’re sitting there wondering how to pace up your own Amazon SEO and e-commerce game, remember: it’s all about strategy, data, and a bit of creativity.

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